A song comes on that you hate but you sing with it anyway because you know the lyrics

When I do a fresh pile of laundry I throw them on my bed and lay in them.

I always get paranoid when I go to take a shit because I leave the computer on and somebody comes in the room where the computer is.

If there's leaves on the ground and the wind picks it up and makes like swirls I put my arms out to make it seem I'm controlling the swirls.

whenever someone pulls up beside you in another car, you are fully aware of them, but never look at them, your too cool to care what they look like.

Go to the kitchen to eat, forget what I'm doing, go back to whatever I was doing, and realizing that I'm hungry.

When driving along in the car, imagining crashing and another car coming into you and the repercussions of it all.

I praise the honesty of you all! :) I think confessing here is kind of fun...am I alone?

Being able to scare people by awkwardly standing behind them

pleasure my self... because I didn't they automatically censored certain words

Sometimes I turn on my bedroom fan at night just so i can use heavier blankets.

When on long car rides, I always look out the window and imagine a little man running alongside the car.

Think about when im old and im dying and under what circumstances,and think will i remember this day when i thought of it and think,shit that was fast,almost like sending myself a message to the future...if that makes any sense lol

When your at your friends house and they run out of toilet paper, so you sit there like "what do i do now?"

Always coming up with a really great comeback in my head 5 seconds too late. And then playing out what would have happened if I had said it.

eat curry and don't complain about its spiciness ...if you're not white

Do a light cough when in the toilet when there isn't no lock on the door so Ur stop someone walking in!!!

I gotta get down of Friday

Apply hand sanitizer after fapping.

You feel compelled to stab someone in the face... But you don't since you know its wrong. Instead you play violent video games to get it off your mind.

Take off the ends of the banana (

When I'm opening my locker lock, I try to beat the person next to me.

When on a long car ride, i tend to look out the window and imagine that i am running on the side of the car and doing flips and other types of parkour to keep up with my car...

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Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.