Every time I walk up the stairs in my own house, I feel compelled to do it on all fours.

Accidentally try to downloade PC software on your mac.

Try to pet your cat with your foot.

I like making subliminal messages (givemeyourmoney)

When I go up the stairs, I always have to end on my right foot. If I have to, I will even hop on one foot on the last stair in order to land on it.

Have deja vu while talking to someone and then stop listening to what they are saying for a few seconds till the feeling passes, then nod like you have been listening the whole time.

When watching a heavy action movie and you suddenly start thinking about how much it would cost to repair the damages made in the movie.

When riding in a vehicle at night, where the stars are visible, I feel like they're racing.

When i'm home, I pretend i'm famous!

Playing with a tiny piece of loose skin in the middle of my upper lip.

Get scared of the dark while in bed, so you make sure all limbs are tucked nice and tight under the covers. Once done, you now feel safe..

I wonder what a baby is saying when they are telling you off?

When you can't be bothered to go to the toilet so you stay watching tv or going on your laptop while trying to hold it in.

i always think people can hear my thoughts.

Have to suddenly poop while shopping (mainly in Wal-Mart), but don't feel like traveling far to the restroom. So I kneel down in whatever aisle I'm in, casually shove my heel up my butt, and pick up some random item from the shelf and pretend to be interested in it. Finally, when the poop is secure in my butt, I'll put the item back and continue my shopping.

Multi task while your brushing your teeth and forget you have a tooth brush in your mouth.

Popping your finger in your bellybutton, and then smelling it. You secretly like the cheesy smell.

When I have to use my hands to eat my steak, chew the bones etc (do not tell me that so far this is weird and unusual :P ) I wipe my fingers after each touch => use a whole pack of table tissues :D

When I am at amusement parks I look and determine which guys I could beat up and which I couldn't.

Stab myself on a daily basis

Look at every individual line on my hands and see if they are identicle

when i know that friends are coming to my place the next day i clean up my room and then i'm like...oh i forgot to clean up i'm sorry, it's always in a mess...

when u were younger and closed the fridge door super slowly 2 c when the light turned off

feel like im being watched turn my head sideways and see someone suddenly look away.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.