When I Download A Song Or Movie And The Download Speed Slows Down I Think The FBI Is Tracking Me.

After using the restroom at someone's house I turn on the water and proceed to check myself in the mirror while the water runs and sounds like I'm washing my hands then I turn off the water and walk out.

Imagine a little person trapped and about to be crushed in the progress bar.

Why are the rich so friggin unhappy?

When I was younger I used to challenge myself with touching the roof I would first jump and see if I could touch it then I would try and see how long I can touch it and now every once in a while I just touch it and think of how far I have come.

Feel bad about hurting someone a long time ago, when I was a child, and wish I could speak to that person and say "I'm sorry." Cringe whenever the thought of the incident rises.

Wonder if life is just a dream then get a creepy feeling and immediately think happier thoughts.

Walk out of movie thinking that I would be like them some day.

When you accidentally like get something on your hand so you go to wash it off but feel compelled to wash your other hand too even if it's not dirty

When out I like to "people watch."

Press harder on the remote when I know the batteries are dead.

While in the "try on" rooms of a clothing store, check myself out in the massive, wall mirror that's in there... and/or get nervous that someone is watching me.

When I get in the car I look in the backseat for monsters or psychopathic killers and as I am turning to check I say out loud 'Oh, maybe my book is in the backseat, let me check' so the monster or killer doesn't know I'm really looking back there for them. That way they might not kill me.

Reherse jokes/phrases to say to friends in school tomorrow

I fantasize about my idol as I try to fall sleep at night. He's Michael Jackson.

I like eating chicken clubs with my hands and dip them in ketchup while pretending I am a caveman

Getting bored when a page is loading and scrolling the wheel on your mouse back and forth one click.

When I'm riding passenger in a car, things I'm driving past will be a part of my imaginary drum kit. When a car passes in the opposite direction, I'll tap my right foot as the bass drum, a drain hole along the gutter is my left hand snare, and the street signs and lights are the hi-hats in my right hand.

See someone walking or in their car driving then imaging what they're doing next or imagine the rest of their life.

When I am making toast I spread the butter or jam with a spoon

While going to sleep, you turn the pillow downside-up several times to find a cooler surface.

Sometimes I unintentionally mouth the words being spoken on TV.

Get excited when the clock reads 12:34. especially when its a digital that can also read 12:34.56.

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Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.