When in a public bathroom stall and having to take a number 2 i wait until there is nobody else in there to let it go and also exit the stall.

incognito mode on google chrome

Pretending I'm in a phone call when I don't want someone to talk to me.

Shit in the shower and pushing it down the drain with your feet

Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I never did certain things like move to a new house or attended a certain school or college. I wonder if I still would have met the people who are in my life now. I think about If I never met my best friends, people who are like family to me. Then I get really sad because it's something I never want to imagine. Afterwards, I talk to them to cheer myself up.

you spread your cheeks apart when you sit on the the tolet so that your poop does not touch your cheaks

when someone goes underwater in a movie I like to hold my breath and see if I would have survived in that situation, I almost died during Finding Nemo

On the bus think in your mind "I know you're reading my mind right now," and look for reactions.

Sometimes I become paranoid that the ceiling is going to randomly come crashing down and kill me.

Count how long it takes before you stop peeing.

when i'm in the shower and i close my eyes, i thnk something's gonna be there to scare me when i open my eyes again.

Make scary faces in the mirror and try to scare myself


Get exstremly sad or depressed whenever you think about something you did that was embarrassing or something you regret infront of someone when that person probably doesn't even remember it....

Squeezing my cat's face back so it looks Chinese.

im going to rape that girl

Stay up late on the weekdays and go to bed early on the weekends ..... What is wrong with me?

Sometimes...when no one is home, i talk and dance with my dog as if he was person :)

wear warm clothes on hot days -jesse

If someone uses a term thats like, in the know, and they ask if i know what it means, ill act like, of course ido, even if i dont, and then ill go home and look it up.

Dip my pizza crust in my soda

Reading the terms of service :O....

Think about blinking, and then realize that when you think about blinking, you can't stop thinking about blinking, and thus a 3-4 minute awkward blinking-fest begins.

I'm in a hurry I press the elevator button several times

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.