Too lazy to exercise. Think to self "I'm gonna work out tomorrow." - instantly feel better about self. Still didn't exercise.

I have an irrational fear of sloths


Think "When are we ever going to use this in our life?" while sitting bored in school.

I plant my feet firmly when the subway approaches in case a random stranger tries to kill me by pushing me in front of the train.

Fear that the CIA is secretly wathing you.

Put my hand under the pillow in bed to get orgasm

Pee sitting down so I dont have to aim

When I was younger I would image a band that played the songs on the radio that was strapped to the roof of the car during long car rides.

play with a knife and pretend to be a master blade wielder

If I'm home alone, I tell myself good night when I am getting cozy in bed. I even use my name.

Pee in the shower.

Rub boogers under the arm rest on the couch.

When you're full at a restaurant and leave your drink. One day you're thirsty and remember back to when you COULD have finished that drink.

Think that a movie is shorter after you watch it once or twice

Reading a book and making the facial expressions it describes.

waking up from an amazing/awesome dream and spend the rest of the day thinking up of new senarios to come after...

When leaving a poop smear under the water in the toilet that doesn't get flushed away, I put a few pieces of toilet paper on the water surface to conceal it.

play with a laser pointer and pretend its a lightsaber

if i put my shirt on backwards, instead of taking my shirt off and putting it on right, i pull my arms in and just spin my shirt.

If no one else is home and you have to go to the bathroom, but you're invested in what you're doing on your laptop, you take it with you.

When I'm in a hurry I brush my teeth while peeing because I think it saves time.

Somehow can't find anything good to eat after going grocery shopping... even if you buy Oreos

i use dental dams

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.