you know that when things have only one like on this site, the people who wrote it liked it

I only EVER take my watch off if I need tto put on big gloves, like cricket gloves.

Learn how to say "I love you" in a different language, just to say it to the person you like and observe their dumbfounded expressions.

I wonder why people were happy after the last election

Talking to yourself in your head so you don't seem so crazy.

I think of doing something productive, but can't work up the motivation and end up on the internet instead.

Say something in my head, but then wonder if i said it out loud and just didn't realize.

When i was a kid. I really dont care about the story of any animated film. As long as im watching it.

If I'm walking across a road and a car stops to allow me to pass, I say 'Thank you' even though I know full well they cannot hear me.

Watch a familiar movie, and then freak out when you see a suspensful part, only to later realize that there was no point in getting worked up since you already know what happens.

Make sudden movements in the mirror to try and catch out my reflection.

I always feel as if someone is always watching me on a screen where ever I am, and every person in the world is also being watched as well

Having the TV turned on when using my laptop or else the silence will make me feel like someone is in my house trying to kill me.

Read something strange and funny that you don't actually do, then say: "whaat?" And lough and everyone around you just look at you not knowing why you're talking to yourself an laughing.

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

I wonder if a blind person knows how colors look?

Do a little half laugh, then when someone looks at you, you realise that it wasn't even funny so you pretend to be clearing your throat.

Still sitting on the toilet 20 minutes after you're done crapping... you're not alone.. -Professor.

when i piss in the toilet, i flush half way through and race the toilet to the finish.

Blink and pretend that you just took a picture with your eyes.

TV turned on just so... Makes you not feeling alone or because some other unknown (or) irrational reason.And of course, feeling guilty cause you spending energy and money but still... Most of the time you just don't care.

I am Moral Man your friendly r*pist neighboorhood, what only I can do? I can steal, cheat, kill r*pe boys and girls, cats, not mouse heck I am no pervert either see? All this and I can still be... ...A SMOOTH CRIMINAL! AH! YAHOOW!

Have troubles sleeping when it's hot.

Doing something, and someone asks you what you're doing, and you realize you can't remember. Then they walk off and the instant they're gone, you remember.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.