I ship Bolin and Korra as a romance and a bromance. Am I weird for doing this?

type "haha" because lol is too gay...but slip sometimes and type lol anyway lol....

suddenly get stage fright when in a public bathroom stall and break the awkward silence by pretending you just went in there to get loo paper to blow your nose.

I brush my teeth with the tap on because it sounds weird brushing in silence.

I wake up right before the "sexy" part happens...

Feel bad about hurting someone a long time ago, when I was a child, and wish I could speak to that person and say "I'm sorry." Cringe whenever the thought of the incident rises.

When boarding the escalator, I select a specific step before getting on causing a slight queue.

Read this site's posts, think of something awesome to write but then forget it because you decided to read more and finish the page rather than write it immediately.

accidently sleep on my arm and it falls asleep

When you are almost crying while laughing in a silent area, you have to think terrible thoughts just to get rid of the laughing.

Pretend I'm a back-up dancer or singing a duet with the singer of the song I'm listening to.

When you are speaking to someone with a distinct accent and suddenly take on the accent as your own when responding. - Missy Chemick

Right after moving to a new place I check my room for hidden cameras.

I like making subliminal messages (givemeyourmoney)

Back away as much as I can from airplane toilets before flushing them because the noise scares me

When I am bored and home alone, I sometimes try to recreate the most annoying sound in the world from Dumb and Dumber. (P.S. Sorry if this was already submitted, I didn't see it.)

Turn off light in bed... notice something you haven't seen before. IT'S SLENDERMAN You turn the light back on and realized it was a lamp

Your mom. Just kidding everyone does her.

I chew my ice cream.

When someone is really, really angry is telling me their story, I keep a straight face but I can't help mentally laughing my ass off because of their weird facial expressions. Sorry.

Spend ages searching for a porno (normally about 40 minutes), search through it for the best bit, finish and think "what was the point of all that"

Sometimes I toot.

Put the towel near the shower so that you can stand on it and not get the floor wet

You always go to the corner of the shower when the cold water is running.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.