when on long car rides look out the window imagineing stick figures running

Am i the only one who noticed that the title of this page has a grammatical error?

When i close the refrigiator door, i re-open it and give it a good shove to make sure it tight.

recycle the peanuts in my poop to make organic peanut butter

When I do something stupid and people are around I hope that nobody saw me and I never tell anyone what I did. But if i do something stupid and I am alone I feel I have to tell somebody.

choose which piece of cereal in the cereal bowl i should eat last.

When I was little and I saw disney's hercules I had no idea why Meg was working for Hades

have you ever thought of a relative when masturbating?

Look to the right, and see nothing. Look to the left, and see nothing. Look to the right again, and see the chick from the ring (or some scary shit) standing there.

Before drinking the actual soft drink, I drink the fizz as fast as I can.

I'm a guy and I like to wear swimwear as underwear

Ever played the sims, then wondered if you were just apart of a game and that maybe someone is controlling YOUR every move? Yeah. Me too.

Wearing cheap CZ rings to either stop guys hitting on me or pretend I'm engaged.

I brush my teeth with the tap on because it sounds weird brushing in silence.

i see almost everything as a sign

strt thinking about something spinning, then cant stop no matter how hard you try.

At the peak of orgasm, i used to think that im making out with someone else (like my crush) to make me cum.

Watch peoples body language and see if they're on the same pace of thought as i am and then try to speed up my thinking to pretend or act like I am realizing something they are not.

Love to check my astrological compatibility with my favorite musicians.

I like to sleep on the floor; my my cushion is too soft.

turn off the alarm clock one minute before its goes off when you wake up in the morning

Everytime I have ear buds in and I hear myself breathing, I think others can hear it too so I slow my breathing or hold my breath.

sometimes i feel like the person i look at in the mirror is not my own reflection

Lightly touching your stomach or other body parts with your fingers to get that tickling sensation.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.