Things I did when I was little: Slowly close the fridge door to see the light go out before it is closed all of the way. Put the light switch in between "OFF" and "ON". Walked in to a room and forgot why, walked out then remembered. (STILL DO!) Drew the sun in the corner of the paper. Put a flashlight in your mouth to see yourself, "blush".

Someone asks you "what's up" and you awkwardly reply "good".

When ever a door is about to close I always try to put my hand between the door and stop it, but it gets to small and I get scared.

Wait until my significant other is in shower and then let loose the longest, loudest fart that's been building in me all night and pray it's muffled by the mattress and the covers.

I feel no shame that I am a camgirl online and bring in about $2800 a month just to flash guys my boobs. :)

When I go to the bathroom I put toilet paper over my penis and pretend its a ghost

Sometimes I think and feel that I am the most voted man on Horsehead Network, I got no idea why. Moral the friendly r*pist: I dnt know what that means though... Or do I? ;)

Find that the kettle has recently been used and still contains hot water so decide to have a cup of tea just so that boiling that water wasn't a waste. Think that it might have cooled down by now. Reboil the water.

I very carefully smell what I'm about to eat before I eat it, but I'd most likely eat it, even if I hadn't smelled it first.

I'm so used to pooping with my phone that everytime I forget it I take less than 5 minutes, versus the usual 26.

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Sometimes I look at a digital clock and try to force the numbers to change with the power of my mind.

Aim at shit stains whilst I pee.

Take a dump in the dark... Anyone but me?

When your sitting on the toilet you watch a video,or read something on your ipod/ipad/etc

I wear my boxers so I can poop through the pee hole

I use two pillows as I sleep, but I don't put them under my head, I put my head in between them.

Just think about this. I do. What if we are all a character from The Sims and there is someone controlling us as their character and we never really did anything by our own choice. Creepy.

When I'm in the shower i let the water run off my arms and fingers and pretend I'm a giant god of water sending torrents to the miniature people below.

Try and accomplish something before the timer on the microwave beeps :)

Think up a come back three days after it would have been useful.

I plant my feet firmly when the subway approaches in case a random stranger tries to kill me by pushing me in front of the train.

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I walk down the stairs sideways because I'm afraid something will get me.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.