When I was little and I saw disney's hercules I had no idea why Meg was working for Hades

I sometimes go out of my way to make sure I have my iPhone with me in the bathroom while taking a poop.

Scratch my asshole and always judge it to be okay to continue my day, no matter how bad the smell.

You like to think about how your favorite characters would react if you told them that they were fictional.

I always find myself criticizing some commercials on television like the first time I see them I think nothing of it but the third or fourth time I think hey wait a second...

Sleep in your jeans because you think it feels comfortable in the morning.

check for spiders under the toilet seat before taking a dump

When on a sidewalk I always try to make my last step on the block with my left foot.

Writing/ Typing "wemon" to represent more than 1 women, but then realizing that it's not actually a word...

When alone in a public restroom, after using the toilet I kick the lever and run away out of fear that it will splash on me.

When I'm fighting with someone and I've ran out of good points, I just start making random noises.

dont wash hands for the recommended 30 seconds

I seriously contemplate what my theme song would be. I imagine it would have no words and a slight Mission Impossible influence.

Hearing someone singing a song and stopping midway, so you need to finish it.

when walking up to an automatic door, you sweep your hand towards to the door when it opens, you feel like the Force is with you.

Sometimes, I ask myself philosophical questions. The one that is bugging me now is "If reincarnation is real, why is this life so vivid?"

When i'm done sleeping, I wake up.

I like to swallow great ammounts of water just to make the loud "clunk" sound in my throat.

I tuck all sides of the blanket under my body and feet then over my head and leave a fresh air hole so im in a cocoon of blanket.

choose which piece of cereal in the cereal bowl i should eat last.

I am always SO sure the metal detector or store alarms will go off when I walk through them. –Ikka

When Im going to sleep , I try to think of good things so I wont think of scary things

I pee in the water of the toilet to make bubbles

Whenever I'm throwing trash down the garbage chute or into a dumpster, I all of the sudden am terrified that I accidentally threw out a valuable ring/my cell phone with the trash.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.