
Go to get a drink and by the time you get there you already forgot what you were doing.

Consider selling lots of books, games or DVDs when you have too many to fit perfectly on their shelf.

Pretending you're in a tribute band when you listen to a song.

When bored, I often fold pieces of paper to make a little point and poke my fingers/hands with it.

Having a dream and forgetting it seconds later.

I refuse to take dump with the shower curtain closed. I know someone's behind it...

try to cut corners in my house and hit the wall

When I make croissants from the Pillsbury can, I'll take one of the little triangles and eat it, because I like the consistency of dough, and i like the fizzy feeling of the yeast on my tongue.

say to my friend do you ever think that someone else is thinking the same thing that they are thinking at this moment in time and then SHYT in there mouth. Normally they gurggle it in their throat, before swallowing it and making a pedo face, and sometimes i bike naked and shit on cars with diorrea so it explodes on the windows.

Sometimes when im in my bed and trying to fall asleep, i don´t want to open my eyes in case there is a murderer standing before my bed.

At work or in public and I am wearing snug pants I think sexy thoughts so I'll have half a harding and make people think it's that big all the time.

you forget your phone when going to the bathroom, so you search for a shampoo bottle or anything to read or play with in reach.

When im blazed i like of all the stupid shit i did that day but always tell myself "its fine, i didnt feel dumb about those things sober"

When I'm hungry I look in the fridge, but there's nothing good to eat so I shut the door and walk away. Then I look in the fridge again 10 seconds later in the hope that new food has arrived Robbie

When I was younger I'd lay in bed & think about who I would pick if a person told me that I had to choose between 2 people and the 1 that I don't choose will die.

Thinking about how fast you blink and how many times you have blinked. You then start blinking too much because you are thinling about yourself blinking, and you try to stop, but you can't stop thinking about it.

Never step on manholes, because I'm afraid to fall in.

I pee on the bathroom sink everytime, because I am lazy to open the toilet, even when I visit other people, sorry friends and family =)

I can't get out of bed in the mornings unless the alarm clock reads 0 or 5.

Sometimes, when I'm at work, I j3rk 0ff in the bathroom. Please tell me someone else has done this????

Whenever i hear myself in a video or something to me, it sounds way higher pitched than when I hear myself talking Is it just me?

I eat food when i'm bored..

Stalk people on facebook, find out something interesting, and later claim that it 'came up on your newsfeed'.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.