wonder if famous singers are actually the one that sings the song, or if someone else records it in the studio and then they lip sync at concerts.

Pee in the shower

Whenever I'm chewing on gum that has lost its flavor, I extract the gum from my mouth using my fingers before putting it back in so the flavor would return.

When in a outhouse I get scared that I can't unlock the door. This one time in the winter the lock froze and I was almost stuck

When people are walking behind me I automatically think they are staring at my ass and get self-conscious.

When pooping I always fold my TP before. Anyone else do that? I also always have 4 squares each XD Email me if you do it :P mr.michaelgiorgio@gmail.com

I never feel bored

Get extremly pissed off when everyone on youtube thinks that only guys use the website and call you "dude" , "bro" or "sir" when they respond to a comment you posted -_-

When I see a post on this site with a single downvote I start to feel guilty and give the person an upvote because I feel sorry for them.

Drink a huge amount of water only for the pleasure of having your stomach filled with it.

When a book is boring, i will think of my favouite song and then i will start singing the book, like i will look at the words and ligit, start singing them in my favourite tune~im so weird

I sleep in my underpants every single night


Fart at work when I'm pretty sure no one will come to that area soon.

Almost every time someone tells me something sad I have to fight the urge to grin.

Lying in be and pretending you are in a tv show, the characters best friend, playing it out in your mind. Or you dream while awake, and you control it, and you fly to Hollywood and become your faborite celebrities best friend.

If I have a cold or runny nose, when I'm alone I stuff tissues in my nostrils so I don't have to keep blowing my nose sooooo much.

Hide important things in places at home but forget later where you hid them.

Eat everything inside my burgers first then i eat the buns.

If I'm in the car looking for an address or a street name I'll turn down the radio. Why?

Masturbate. Sometimes two or three times a day.

Make the water from your shower shoot from your finger and pretend to be a water-bender.

Think about having sex with the dog. You wouldn't, but what if you did?

Turn shower water all the way up hot before getting out because it feels good

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.