Walking around near loud music and begin to feel like your walking to the beat.

Flush the toilet before peeing to see if I can accomplish peeing before the water flushes away. :)

whenever I see those commercials where there is two people talking to each other but they constantly look at me it really irritates me

Sometimes when im sitting in class i start thinking how i would save the whole classroom if someone was to come in with a gun and start shooting.

sometimes if I am going on a flight to another country I will hold a small pocket of air in my mouth before getting on the plane and then I would let it out after we land

when im losing an argument, ill start singing my responses

When eating skittles and share it with my friends, i gave them the flavors that i dont really like.

Realizing that when you look behind a shower curtain before using the bathroom and actually see a Serial killer, you have no plan...

when you are pooping you fart and it scares you a little bit.

this is a terrible website and i hate you

Wrap up inside a sleeping bag and slide down the steps.

wonder if there are secret cameras watching my every move...

Get freaked out when door bell or phone rings when you are doing something you are not supposed to.

I really don't know what to do when i see a double post on here. I mean, i get that people like to do stuff with their feet when their in bed, but somehow al lot of these people do not find it enough to vote up an existing post.

Get random feelings of nausea and/or dizziness for no apparent reason.

Sometimes I wonder who created words. For instance, who thought to call a fence a fence? It could have been called something completely random like bucxbuw, but it would seem normal to us and fence would seem like jibberish instead.

When the car runs over bumps in the road on the freeway, they sound like horses hooves, so I pretend my car's being pulled by invisible horses.

I pretend that my actions are perceived by a past self and they're always astounded by the change I've gone through.

Change my music to something cooler than the song im listening to when i pass by other kids my age

Mispronounce a word that you have a billion times before because you couldn't figure out what it said for a second.

When i'm done sleeping, I wake up.

Every time I open a door, I shout out "Alohamora!" and then I open it.

On true/false sections of tests, I get paranoid if there are not the same amount of trues and falses.

when i realise for example that my shoes are stinking i get really paranoid and try to cover them under the table or something because i feel that everyone is thinking about it or is covering their nose or stuff

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.