Wondering where are famous people and what they are doing at this exact moment.

Whenever I'm home alone, I dance and sing along to any commercial.

Doing something really embarrassing in public and thinking "Doesn't matter, I'll never see these people again.".

Think a really Fu**ed up thought in your head, and then get mad at your brain for even coming up with it, and finally trying to think really nice thoughts to make up for it.

I'll sing nice and loud in the shower and wonder why I haven't come out with an album yet

I try to move inanimate objects/set things on fire/control the elements with my mind.

Whenever you are in a quiet room and are trying to eat a food that is very loud to chew (like chips) you try to chew slowly or alter your chewing style so noone will think your too loud

Guessing how many people are listening to the same song at the same moment as you

squezzing moisturisure/tooth paste really hard cos the top is all dry and then a shit load comes out all at once

I dont know weather or not to flush the toilet at night incase i wake somebody, its even worse in other peoples houses.

when i know that friends are coming to my place the next day i clean up my room and then i'm like...oh i forgot to clean up i'm sorry, it's always in a mess...

When I look at a digital clock, i try to rearrange the number to make them a math equation

ask my dog questions then realize, she can't talk...

When I walk from one room to the next, I make believe that the room I just left exploded, and that I made it out just in time.

Run up the stairs like a gorilla because it's easier that way.

I get mad at characters on tv and i shoot the screen with my Nerf gun

Sometimes I think and feel that I am the most voted man on Horsehead Network, I got no idea why. Moral the friendly r*pist: I dnt know what that means though... Or do I? ;)

Think you looked good the whole day, then come home and realize you were a hot mess and nobody told you

run inside after taking out the trash because a monster might be hiding in the big trash can

Absentmindedly rub your stomach while lying down watching or reading.

When I see someone I know walking toward me as I'm walking toward them from a long way away, I pretend I don't see them until we're right on top of each other, then, miraculously discovering them, I smile and say, "Hi".

When I walk into the bathroom and the lid of toilet is closed, I always get slightly nervous to lift it up and see into the toilet. I'm always thinking there'll be something disgusting or scary in there.

Lie in bed and wonder what happens whe you die, get depressed and come on this site for reassurance

I eat food when i'm bored..

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.