Sometimes I wipe my butt so violently that my finger goes through the toilet paper and into my butt hole. I enjoy it and question my sexuality. ;)

you know how everyone talks about making life decisions in the shower and thinking about life?.....yeah thats me on the toilet

If no one else is home and you have to go to the bathroom, but you're invested in what you're doing on your laptop, you take it with you.

Write things in the air with my finger, and then erase the words with my hand.

i use dental dams

When I am listening to my ipod in the car or on a bus, i always remove an earphone to check if i am breathing really loudly.

Pretend to listen to iPod, but actually eavesdrop on the people around me.

Find yourself alone at a party/gathering of some sort... Pretend to send a text to make people think you're not a loner.

I control water in the shower.

When I'm driving through traffic lights that are green, I use my psychic powers to make them change so no one behind me gets through.

Put toilet paper in the toilet before i poop so the water dosent splash

Feel like you sing wonderfully when you are alone, but feel like you sing horribly in front of others.

Having a dream and forgetting it seconds later.

Whenever i am watching TV my parents always walk by at the worst part like a sex scene or a dirty joke.

How many times is it okay to say "what" before just nodding and smiling?

Stuff 13 chips in my mouth when no one is looking, bite 1 chip in half and chew it for 30 seconds when someone is looking.

whenever I see those commercials where there is two people talking to each other but they constantly look at me it really irritates me

As im about to fall asleep sometimes i feel like im falling and then i have a muscle spasem and wake up.

I stare at the paint impasto on the ceiling until I see faces.

When I see a typo ANYWHERE, I feel compelled to correct it, even if there is no possible way for me to correct it

R A P E Children

When one of those sad sappy abused dogs commercials comes on, you change the channel really fast to prevent from crying.

I feel bad for not reading the terms of service on a website, because someone had to put a lot of effort into that.

Wishing you could go back in time and do a situation over again, becuase you regret the stuff you did.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.