Am i the only one who noticed that the title of this page has a grammatical error?

when on long car rides look out the window imagineing stick figures running

When you are reading a book and find that you are narrating the words you read in the book, to yourself. You feel weird, so you try to stop doing this by reading further or focusing more on the book.

Playing with a tiny piece of loose skin in the middle of my upper lip.

When I'm sitting on the toilet, I try to make piss and crap come out at the same time.

Play with my own boobs for no reason

If I'm trying to read a clock or bulletin from far away, I instinctively stand and point at it.

has a plastic bag full of plastic bags in your house

I flush the toilet if the water's green and I'm going to have a poo, so it doesn't splash me.

I say a word and it feels like it didnt roll off of my tongue right, so I keep mouthing the word and saying it quietly to myself or in my head. Then end up saying it loudly in affirmation, possibly more than once.

choose which piece of cereal in the cereal bowl i should eat last.

I have to sleep with my bottom lip stuck to the pillow or my hand so I can breathe.

Here's a fun game I play if I wake up in the middle of the night: I look over at the alarm clock and see what numbers are displayed. Then I shut my eyes tightly and wait a few seconds before opening them again. If I open my eyes and see that the numbers on the alarm clock have changed, I win. If I open my eyes and they didn't, I lose.

eat cake in a bowl with milk the way you would eat a bowl of cereal

I like wet humping better than f*cking. but sometimes it slips in anyway, and it's that's pretty enjoyable too. and mt girlfriend is cool with. ... so it's actualy pretty whatevs either way. but wet humping is my jam.

Archer's Pam poovey, Lana Kane and Malory makes me horny

Watched the woman in black then go to bed then suddenly a woman in black comes in my room oh wait it is just my mum saying good night

Ever played the sims, then wondered if you were just apart of a game and that maybe someone is controlling YOUR every move? Yeah. Me too.

I bought a ps4 and really regret it.

Courtesy flush.

Touch something dirty with one hand then wash it but then wash the other hand cause it feels weird when it's not wet like your other hand.

Drink half the water in a water bottle and then swish it around pretending to drown little people inside it.

Turn the door knob while closing the door it doesn't make a loud noise.

When I get the chance, I always nick a chip from my mum's or dad's dinner.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.